A World of Difference by NeoRyu777 NR Harry Potter at the age
of 5 runs away from Privet Drive, and in a fit of accidental magic ends up in a different dimension. Returning home, what's
he gonna do? Manipulative Dumbledore, Slytherin Harry. Rated M to be safe. Crossover with FFVIII.
Complete. R Seer Harry
A Year Like None Other by Aspen (Here) **
A letter from home? A letter from family? Well, Harry Potter knows he has
neither, but all the same, it starts with a letter from Surrey. A letter that sends Harry down a path he'd never have walked
on his own. It will be a year of big changes, a year of great pain, and a year of confronting worst fears. It will be a year
of surprising discoveries, of finding true strength, of finding out that first impressions of a person's true colours do not
always ring true. It will be a year of paradigm shifts. And from the most unexpected sources, Harry will have a chance to
have that which he has never known: a home ... and a family. (A Snape adopts Harry fic.) Gen.
The Death Eaters conquered Hogwarts and overthrew the Ministry of Magic.
Forming a new government, a dictatorship with Voldemort as the supreme ruler, they take control of the wizarding world, spreading
terror everywhere. Harry and the other Hogwarts students (except for the Slytherins who apparently support the new regime)
are forced into hiding. Far from giving up hope, they form their own secret rebellion. PG-13 RW/HG, SS/LM, HP/? WIP
Narcissa is a Seer
When Hermione dies in battle moments after her powers are awakened, Dumbledore
utilizes a centuries old spell to send Harry back in time to his six year old self. HP/HG
WIP. PG-13 Seer Hermione
Beyond Boundaries by Rachel A. Prongs
Harry has kept a secret his entire life. After Voldemort’s rebirth
he was framed for something he didn’t do. Sentenced to Azkaban he escaped shortly after his trial, and never entered
the dreaded fortress. For two years, he hid. Where is he? Who is he? Harry returns, and finds that Voldemort has an unpleasant
surprise for him. To survive, he must retell his past, come to terms with the present, and accept his future. HP/HG
Complete. G Harry is a Seer
Broken Beyond Healing by Lady Russell Holmes NR As a phoenix rises,
born from death, so shall he. Killed four times over in the space of a circle, By family, life, friends, and foe. (Rated for
violence, gore, child abuse, and language.) Alternate Book 5.
Complete. R Seer Harry
AU, Calcination...The process of disintegrating a substance by the expulsion
of some volatile matter. Harry's whole life as been volatile thus far. Why should anything change for his first year at Hogwarts?
WIP. PG-13 Seer Harry
Circles of Power by Mad Martha ** As trainee Aurors, Harry and
Ron face unexpected challenges. HP/RW
Complete. PG-13 Ron is a Seer
Crumbling Pedestal by ShivaniBlue **
When Voldemort tries to force Harry to duel in the graveyard at the conclusion
of the Triwizard Tournament, things take an entirely different direction as Fate steps in to meddle. HP/SS
Complete. PG-13 Harry is a Seer
Curse of Fate by Mistress Nika ** Immortal Harry, after
watching friends and family die over thousands of years, only wants to join his loved ones in death. Believing he's found
a way, he sends himself back into the body of his infant self, vowing to change his fate. HP/LM, HP/SS
WIP. R Lucius is a recessive seer
Destiny’s Ghost by Jade L. M. Skywalker
NR What would've happened to the world as we know it if Harry Potter wasn't the one chosen that
Halloween night so long ago. What if it had been Neville Longbottom's destiny, and what if things didn't turn out the same,
if something different occurred that night? Join Harry Potter and Gang to see just what did occur, and how even though it's
not their real world, they are just as destined to save this other world.
WIP. PG-13 Seer Harry
Draco is sent to Durmstrang for the first five years of his schooling.
How ever does he and Harry end up together? HP/DM
Complete. NC-17 Draco is a Seer
Fire and Ice by Cyropi NR
Hermione and Draco. Gryffindor and Slytherin. Muggleborn and Pureblood.
Warm-hearted and frozen soul. Forced to work together, she shatters his beliefs with one well-placed question. And then the
fun begins…DM/HG
Complete. G. Draco is a Seer
Greatest of the Hogwarts Four by Roxanne Palmer NR This is the backstory behind the Founders of Hogwarts. As it turns out, Salazar Slytherin
is an ex-clergyman with intimacy issues, which are not helped by the fact that the voluptuous Seer, Rowena Ravenclaw, keeps
tempting him. The old 1-dimensional portrayals seem to be inaccurate, as perhaps Slytherin was not the most cunning, nor was
Gryffindor always brave and courageous. Prophecies, demons, magical politics, and a war that must be averted at all costs.
Abandoned. PG-13 Rowena Ravenclaw is a Seer
Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts and many things happen: he keeps
getting horrible nightmares, he fights with Ron, he starts feeling something deep for Hermione, he discovers an incredible
truth about himself and he meets his mortal enemy, Lord Voldemort. Will he be able to finally defeat him and save his friends?
Will he be able to open his heart to Hermione? HP/HG
Complete. PG-13 Harry is a Seer
After falling off his broomstick, Harry goes blind, but gains the gift
of sight in return. Professor Trelawney couldn’t predict this. HP/LL.
WIP. PG-13 Seer Harry
In Harry's fifth year, he must learn to let people in. HP/GW
Complete. R Ginny is a Seer
Heidy Potter (my Harry's girl version) is a (greatest) seer, Sirius Black
is innocent, and Draco Malfoy IS a Malfoy. HP/DM, SS/SB, HG/RW
WIP. R Harry is a Seer
Point Of No Return by Night Zephyr NR Almost sixteen, Ron discovers there really is something very special
about him, and he just might need it to save them all. RW/HG
Complete. PG-13 Ron is a Seer
Seeing Things to Come by Rose Angel Six year old Harry Potter thought he was a normal boy, until
an accident changes his life and thrusts him into a new world.
Abandoned? PG-13. Harry is a Seer
Lucius has twin boys. Voldemort is asking for his servants first born child.
Thinking it’s an honor; Lucius gives Voldemort the healthy child, Draco, who happens to be the younger twin. Harry grows
up the black sheep of the Malfoy family and befriends mudbloods and the boy-who-lived, Neville. Eventually, he ends up being
disowned from the Malfoy family. Things spiral out of control when Voldemort finds out Harry is the first born. He’ll
stop at nothing to get Harry on his side. The ritual Voldemort wants to use will not work without Harry. For the Dark Lord
wants to eat off the children’s magic once they are of age. LV/HP
WIP. PG-13 Seer Harry
Draco is a Seer and his visions lead the Ministry to believe that his life
is in danger. Harry Potter, Auror, accepts the challenge of dealing with Malfoy. Featuring very Slytherin-esque letters between
Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy. AU, Post-War. HP/DM
Complete. R Seer Draco
The Book of Morgan Le Fey by lavenderbrown NR A
sixth year fic told from Ron's perspective. The Trio return to Hogwarts to learn that Voldemort is hatching an evil plan to
kill Muggles. Not only must they try and stop him, Ron must deal with his feelings for Hermione. RW/HG
Complete. R Ron is a Seer
The Last Time by Calliope When Harry wants to stop the pain he suffers from re-occurring
dreams about the death of his parents, it is only the bond he shares with Ron and Hermione that saves his life. The bond proves
to be the only thing that saves them all as they face the unimaginable? HP/HG/RW Complete. PG-13 Ron is a Seer Sequel: Full Circle
The Prophecy of Absconditus by Page of Cups NR Absconditus collapsed in 372
A.D. History passed into legend except for the visions that haunt Ron Weasley’s dreams._ The past has a strange way
of repeating itself. RW/DM, HP/BZ Complete. R Ron is a Seer
Tissue of Silver by Fearless Diva NR
A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom
drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. Rated:
R for coarse language, brief drug use, some sexual content, and consideration of issues of sexual HP/DM
Complete. R Draco is a Seer
False Seers
Harry has a visitor when he gets out of the shower who sends him back in
time to his third year! He's 13 again, Can he change the future, save three lives, and defeat Voldemort, all while staying
under the ruse as seer? Will he have to?
WIP. G Harry pretends to be a Seer
The war against Riddle has finally ended, and Harry has lost all of those
that are most important to him. Fate has a little surprise in store for Harry Potter though, and it plans on helping him along
the way. WIP. R Harry pretends to be a Seer
The Seer by Rasberry Jo NR Waking up one morning Harry
discovers that fate does favour him after all. He actually has the chance to do everything all over again. HP/GW WIP. PG-13 Harry
pretends to be a Seer
Harry finds himself making a decision to give it all up just to change
what has happened. What he doesn't realize is that he gets a second chance to set it right.
WIP. PG-13 Harry pretends to be a Seer
